Greens: Zoff about ministerial posts – vote on coalition agreement postponed

Future cabinet
Greens argue over ministerial posts – strike vote on coalition agreement cannot start

See in the video: Robert Habeck announces the announcement of the green ministers for Friday

She is supposed to be the Federal Republic’s first female foreign minister. The Greens would “most likely occupy the Foreign Ministry with Annalena Baerbock,” confirmed co-party leader Robert Habeck for the first time publicly on Thursday in Berlin. The Greens will probably announce on Friday who will take over the other four ministerial posts. “You have to wait a little longer. We’ll decide afterwards in the party council to initiate the vote on the coalition agreement. The coalition agreement is available. Tomorrow morning the names behind the negotiating ministries will appear there. That will be discussed in the committees and soon then be decided. ” Originally, the Greens wanted to present their list of ministers at the start of a public federal-state forum on Thursday. The deliberations were delayed. The background could be media reports that the former party leader Cem Özdemir could surprisingly become a member of the cabinet and thus oust co-parliamentary group leader Anton Hofreiter.


End of the tolerant unity among the Greens. The occupation of the Ministry of Agriculture caused a lot of trouble. The left wing of the party does not want to accept Anton Hofreiter’s removal from the boat.

The nomination of the Green Ministers in the future traffic light government has been delayed. The names were initially not mentioned at the Bund-Länder-Forum, which began on Thursday in Berlin’s Westhafen, as originally expected. Party leader Robert Habeck said at the event that the corresponding list should not be announced until Friday.

The reason for the delay are after star-Information mainly disagreements about the occupation of the Ministry of Agriculture. The previous co-group chairman Anton Hofreiter was previously considered to have been set for this post. Instead, according to the will of the federal executive committee, the former party leader Cem Özdemir should take over the department. Hofreiter would then be denied a ministerial office, which provoked resistance from the left wing of the party.

Baerbock “with a high degree of probability” Foreign Minister

Other names traded confirm previous speculations. Habeck himself made it clear that his co-party leader Annalena Baerbock would “very likely” take over the Foreign Office. He himself is in talks for the office of Minister for Climate Protection and Economics and is also set to become Vice Chancellor. Otherwise, the Greens still get the departments for the environment and consumer protection and family, but not for the hoped-for transport department, which goes to the FDP. “We would have liked to have had a few more ministries, but the others must have something too,” commented Habeck. According to media reports, Steffi Lemke (environment) and the Rhineland-Palatinate environment minister Anne Spiegel (family) are planned for the two posts.

The event in Berlin’s Westhafen, where the traffic light parties had presented their coalition agreement the day before, was supposed to give the go-ahead for the ten-day ballot. It is supposed to start tomorrow after an agreement has been reached on personnel issues. “You have to wait a little longer,” said Robert Habeck.


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