Greens are clearly in favor of arms deliveries to Ukraine – politics

The Greens are clearly in favor of arms deliveries to Ukraine. This is compatible with their self-image as a peace party, says Foreign Minister Baerbock. There is trouble because of another topic.


Nicolas Richter, Bonn

As an exception, the first standing ovation is not for Annalena Baerbock, but for Irina Sherbakova: the Green Party leadership congratulates her on the Nobel Peace Prize. Sherbakova, the Russian co-founder of the human rights organization Memorial, has been at odds with Vladimir Putin’s regime for years. When she appeared in front of the delegates at the party conference in Bonn, she praised the Greens, who had always warned against dependence on Russia for oil and gas. “We were not mistaken,” says Sherbakova. She pleads against trying to find a compromise with Putin now. Putin never kept to agreements. Without weapons one could not make peace with him. “The war must end, and it must end with Ukraine’s victory.” The next standing ovation follows.

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