Greenpeace: How actor Damian Hardung wants to save the world (video)

Watch the video: How actor Damian Hardung wants to save the penguin and the world.

Young actor Damian Hardung knows his way around film sets. But he’s never been in such a crazy place: The environmental protection organization Greenpeace had invited the 23-year-old influencer and Internet star for a trip to Antarctica in January. New territory for the main actor of the Netflix series “How to sell drugs online fast”. Around the South Pole it is said: “How to get to know penguins fast”. “”I didn’t even know exactly where Antarctica was. Whether that is now Arctic, Antarctica. So I had to read through some of it again and didn’t know exactly where are the polar bears and where are the penguins. I didn’t even know that there were different types of penguins, which means you can really read a lot about them here, just Adelie penguins, gentoo penguins, what the spectrum of species really is.” Similar to the Netflix series, Hardung is not the one , who knows everything. But he is interested and committed – aware of the responsibility that his younger generation bears. “First of all, I think it’s very encouraging what the younger generation has already achieved. If we look at the constitutional court ruling on the climate, that it is now a fundamental right, that we have a right to climate, that freedom rights must not be interpreted to the detriment of our generation in the future for the freedom rights of another generation today. That’s why I’m very optimistic when I look at my generation, and that’s why I’m even happier to be one of this generation, but at the same time try not to create a generational conflict out of it now. Because I just believe that if we all see our different perspectives together, then we can bring about the changes that we need.” Together for the preservation of the environment. With this campaign, Greenpeace wants to draw attention to the demand for worldwide more marine protected areas. Over the past 50 years, the mean annual temperatures on the Antarctic Peninsula have risen by 2.6°C. The habitats are getting smaller. The penguins in particular have impressed the climate protectors on the current mission. Scientists are recording a drastic decline, for example in the Population of chinstrap penguins. The population of Adélie penguins is also endangered here in the Weddell Sea.””I think what’s really impressive to see is ultimately how much emphasis is placed on us not really being ignorant of our human dirt and all our environmental pollution , which we already have on plastic, leave here en that we really try to keep the footprint as small as possible. You just notice how much dirt everyone leaves behind. In other words, how rare it is when one still sees such a pure environment at all. And I think that opened my eyes again for just how big our footprint on this planet is and how much we are already changing it. And that it’s just incredibly important to protect your environment because of this.” Greenpeace’s plan seems to be working. Hardung’s followers are enthusiastic. Many of them now also want to help protect penguins and other animals here in Antarctica.

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