Green tea and red wine slow progression of Alzheimer’s – healing practice

Protection against Alzheimer’s by catechins and resveratrol

Green tea and red wine contain connections that apparently Alzheimer counteract by damaging the nerve cells as a result of the formation of Beta amyloid plaques be reduced. This could also open up new approaches to the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s.

In a new study by experts from Tufts University 21 different drugs, dietary supplements and health-promoting foods with potential neuroprotective properties were tested in a model for Alzheimer’s disease caused by herpes viruses examined. The results are published in the journal “Free Radical Biology and Medicine” released.

Alzheimer’s caused by herpes virus

At the beginning of this year, researchers at Tufts University succeeded in demonstrating in a 3D model of living human brain cells that herpes virus to the Formation of plaques in the brain leads associated with Alzheimer’s.

The team is currently working to identify ways that Slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s be able. To do this, they examined the effect of in the laboratory 21 connections on the growth of amyloid beta plaques that form in the brain in Alzheimer’s disease.

Antiviral agents to fight Alzheimer’s

Among the 21 compounds studied, there were some that exhibited beneficial effects in the model of herpesvirus-induced Alzheimer’s disease. In a first screening, five were initially identified with a really robust prevention of amyloid beta plaques are connected, reports study author Dana Cairns.

Next to catechins and resveratrol were this curcuminthis in turmeric included is the diabetes drug metformin and the active ingredient citicoline.

Strong effectiveness and hardly any side effects

We hoped to find compounds that are harmless and have some level of potency. We were lucky that some of them showed some pretty strong potency“, explained cairns in a press release of Tufts University.

These were the molecules in leaves of green teawhich are called catechins and resveratrol which is found in red wine and other foods, for example.

With these compounds, practically no plaques were visible in the model after about a week, emphasizes the author of the study. In addition, the reduction of plaque formation by catechins and resveratrol with few or no side effects been connected.

It should be noted, however, that while the effects of the compounds have been observed in the laboratory, this may not necessarily correspond to the effects that ultimately occur in humans, Cairns said.

For example, there are connections that are not able, the so-called blood-brain barrier overcome and other connections have a low bioavailabilitywhich is why they cannot be readily absorbed into the body or bloodstream.

Dietary intake of resveratrol and catechins

An advantage of resveratrol and catechins is that they show some effectiveness and easily over supplements or the regular nutrition can be included.

Examples of natural sources of resveratrol include red wine, certain fruits such as grapes, blueberries and cranberries, peanuts, pistachios, and cocoa‘ reports the expert.

Even if resveratrol and catechins help that prevent neurodegenerationbut be one medical consultation attached before getting stronger independently changes in his diet makes.

According to Cairns, future studies should also examine how the positive properties of resveratrol and catechins can best be used and improved, for example by Optimized bioavailability or that Penetration of the blood-brain barrier facilitated becomes. (as)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • Isabella A Silveira, Adam S Mullis, Dana M Cairns, Anna Shevzov-Zebrun, Jordyn Whalen, et al.: Screening neuroprotective compounds in herpes-induced Alzheimer’s disease cell and 3D tissue models; in: Free Radical Biology and Medicine (published Volume 186, June 2022, Pages 76-92), Free Radical Biology and Medicine
  • Tufts University: Green Tea and Resveratrol Reduce Alzheimer’s Plaques in Lab Tests (published 11/01/2022), Tufts University

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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