Green “pizza chaos” is causing anger on social media – that’s what’s behind it

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The Green Party’s alleged pizza chaos is causing anger on social media – that’s what’s behind it

The picture, which supposedly comes from the Green Party conference, shows enormous chaos

© Unknown

Shortly after the Green Party conference, a picture of pizzas that were apparently carelessly left behind caused anger. And a lot of malice.

It’s an image that stuns you – and apparently in very different ways. Surrounded by Green Party logos and matching-colored decor, there are lots of carelessly thrown pizza boxes, most of them still with their contents, lying in an exhibition hall. Although the picture supposedly from the Green Party’s Federal Delegates Conference is obviously not real, it is now being used to attack the party. And taken even further to the extreme by some users.

The exact origin of the picture is not known, but from Monday morning at the latest it quickly spread on social networks such asTwitter. Mostly with malicious comments. “F“Good waste is also an important topic for the green fools,” one user blasphemed. Others also poked fun at the alleged negligence in sustainability. The fact that the completely absurd scene could be a fake doesn’t seem to have occurred to many Green haters to be.

Green Pizza Chaos: Absurd AI Fake

That would definitely be noticeable. And that’s even if you don’t pay attention to numerous image errors such as overlapping edges or trapezoidal pizza boxes in the image. The supposed “buffet” is so overloaded with pizza that you can’t even reach the tables. The majority of those seen Pizzas obviously wasn’t even touched on. And the hall looks very different than the actual venue for the party conference, the DM Arena at the Karlsruhe Trade Fair.

The Greens are also talking about a fake. “The picture is absurd,” the party told the Swiss portal “Blick”. “It wasn’t recorded at the party conference. The hall looks different.” However, they didn’t want to make a final decision as to whether it was an AI image.

“Bild” had previously declared pizza orders at the party conference to be a source of excitement. According to the tabloid, MPs spurned the vegetarian buffet – preferring to have something delivered. The Greens had also confirmed that pizzas had been ordered. The party emphasized that the boxes were disposed of properly. X users also provided an explanation for the order itself: According to this, dishes were not allowed in the voting hall. In order to stay present, some participants decided to have pizza.

Between hatred and malice

The reactions online were extremely divided. While the Greens’ opponents were outraged and, even after the fake information, complained that the pizza chaos still suited the party, others simply made fun of it. Stephan Dörner joked that the image was a disgrace. “Those were the true conditions,” he posted alongside a picture in which a wave of pizzas buried Berlin. One user took it even further: she had… Karlsruhe observed how Hitler personally delivered the pizzas in a green rickshaw. “That’s it, dear Greens.”

In the end, the party itself also tried to score points. “The federal office on the Monday after the BDK,” the party posted on X. And showed a picture in which the party headquarters, decorated with a pizza banner, was flooded with slices of pizza.

At least one of the first disseminators of the pizza image has now realized his mistake. “I apologize for the unthinking spread of the pizza fake,” said Matthias Priebs, whose tweet with the image was shared by hundreds of accounts. The post has now been deleted.

Sources: ViewPicture, The green,X

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