Green Party Conference: Baerbock promotes the ability to compromise on asylum

Green party conference
Baerbock promotes the ability to compromise on asylum

“We must not shirk this responsibility”: Annalena Baerbock. photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

At the federal party conference of the Greens, Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock emphasized the need for a sense of reality and a willingness to compromise – especially with the planned reform of European asylum policy.

Federal Foreign Minister At the Green Party’s federal party conference, Annalena Baerbock advocated a sense of reality and a willingness to compromise, including with regard to the planned reform of European asylum policy.

“Without order there is no humanity,” she emphasized in Karlsruhe. The Greens have taken on responsibility in the federal government, and this also includes negotiating for a possible agreement on asylum policy. She is convinced “that we cannot shirk this responsibility,” said Baerbock. Before her speech, a young delegate spoke who warned against further “isolation” of Europe.

Baerbock came under heavy criticism within his own party last summer because she had approved plans to reform European asylum policy. Numerous tightening measures are planned here in order to limit unwanted migration. In particular, there are plans to deal with people from countries that are considered relatively safe in a much harsher manner.

The co-party leader, Ricarda Lang, who was re-elected the day before, took a similar approach. She said: “The biggest enemy of compromise is the populist.” Lang emphasized: “Standing up against right-wing extremists is a democratic duty.” But there is also a “democratic choice”. And that means not only always being against it, but also saying what you stand for.


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