Greece vacation: new start in Athens – trip

The requirement to wear masks outdoors has been abolished, and bars, museums and cinemas are filling up again. And the Greeks did a lot of other things really well in their capital.


Christiane Schlötzer

The fountain rises high and higher, collapses and makes a powerful new start. If you drive towards Omonia Square, you can see the water column from afar. It wasn’t long ago that there was only a barren slab of concrete, an urban desert, so misshapen and neglected that the Athenians avoided Omonia. During the Greek crisis, Europe’s misery gathered here: refugees, drug dealers, prostitutes. Tourists were warned about the “no man’s land” Omonia. And now the square, from which six main roads lead in all directions and the distances to other cities are measured, the Greek zero point, so to speak, appears in new splendor. With a 20 meter high fountain and almost 200 gargoyles. They generously spread cooling drizzle on a ring of fresh grass that surrounds the fountain.


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