Greece: Italian man declared dead ten years ago found alive

Submerged instead of dead
Italian left farewell letters ten years ago – now he has been discovered alive in Greece

A man was found alive in Greece ten years after he wrote his farewell letters (symbolic image)

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Ten years ago, Adamo G. left several farewell letters. Then the man from Italy disappeared. His family assumed he had committed suicide. Now the 55-year-old was found alive in Greece.

For a decade, Adamo G. from the northern Italian town of Imola was considered dead. This was indicated by his three remains Farewell letters. In one, he addressed his parents and wrote: “Hello mom and dad. I don’t have many words to say, but unfortunately things have always gone bad. I will try to take this last step in the right way so that you “Don’t have to experience the pain of my funeral too. It’s time to put an end to the word,” quoted Greek media, which reported on the incident at the end of last week.

The man then disappeared. His family, including his wife and two children, assumed that Adamo G. was dead. However, his wife did not give up looking for him. The man’s car was found at the port of Ancona and prosecutors discovered he had bought a ferry ticket to Greece. But there was no trace of Adamo G. himself.

TV show tracks down Adamo G. in Greece

The Italian public TV station Rai, which deals with missing person cases, has now managed to track down Adamo G.: eight years after the authorities put the files on the case aside, the now 55-year-old was found alive in Greece. Since his disappearance, the man has apparently been living in the port city of Patras – practically on the other side of the Ionian Sea from the Italian coast.

Adamo G. asked the show’s correspondent to “forget him” and not to make the news about his discovery public. However, his wife then saw the television report and was both surprised and sad. She thanked those responsible for the program and expressed her displeasure: “He’s not a man, he’s not a father.” After all, the 55-year-old suddenly left their underage children behind in Italy.

Wife is said to have known about her husband’s whereabouts for years

On Sunday, Greek media reported new details about the strange incident with reference to a report by the Italian news agency Ansa. Accordingly, Adamo G’s wife, who asked Rai for help in finding her missing husband, is said to have known about his whereabouts – and has done so since 2016.

After all, seven years ago, the woman is said to have made a police report demanding that her husband pay maintenance for their children. At that time, the Greek police are said to have actually located the Italian after investigations had been initiated at European level.

Until now, his wife had stated that she was only informed that her husband was still alive in 2022. At that time, Adamo G. applied to be registered in the register of Italians living abroad. Why he decided to disappear from his family and go into hiding remained unclear.

Sources: Kathimerini, Prototheme

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