Great Britain: Woman takes driving tests for others and earns 28,000 euros

Great Britain
Brazen fraud: woman takes driving tests for others and earns 32,000 euros

Driving tests are pure stress for many candidates

© ljubaphoto / Getty Images

She went to the driver’s license test for anxious female drivers and pretended to be someone she wasn’t: for money, a 30-year-old helped strange women get a driver’s license. Now she had to answer in court.

Yes, the practical driving test is a nightmare for many learner drivers. You don’t sleep for weeks beforehand, you’re nervous and because of the excitement, mistakes happen that you would never have made otherwise – and that let you rattle off once, twice or even several times. This is not only bad for your self-confidence, but can also be quite expensive. In this respect, a woman from Great Britain has discovered a real gap in the market. However, an illegal one.

The woman who passed driving tests for others

Inderjeet K., the woman who took driving tests for others

© Tarian – Regional Organized Crime Unit

The 30-year-old Inderjeet K. from the town of Llanelli in Wales offered driving students with test anxiety to take the practical test for them. To do this, of course, she had to illegally pretend to be the candidate in question: clearly a criminal offence. She admitted to more than 150 such acts in court. And all of them happened within just two years.

British collects from nervous learner drivers

What makes Inderjeet K’s actions morally questionable is not only that she has drivers on the roads who have never officially proven their skills – but also that she primarily appealed to female drivers with an immigrant background and difficulties with the English language had. The women were often much more afraid and desperate than the native speakers, which is why they were more susceptible to their illegal “offer”. In the two years of her activity, the 30-year-old is said to have collected more than 32,000 euros from the candidates for whom she passed the exams.

However, the fraudster now has to pay almost all of the money back to the British state: she was sentenced to a fine of 31,500 euros or twelve months in prison instead. She has already served six months in prison for a similar offence. She was blown because finally in one of the various examination centers where she embodied another candidate, it was noticed that her face had been seen before…

Source: BBC


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