Great Britain: Johnson renounces candidacy

Status: 10/23/2022 10:35 p.m

British ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson will not run for office again after all. Although he has the necessary support in the Tory group, he has decided against it.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is not running as expected to succeed outgoing Prime Minister Liz Truss. Although he has the necessary support in the Conservative Tory faction, he still decided against it, he says.

Johnson resigned as British Prime Minister a few weeks ago after numerous scandals. His successor Liz Truss, on the other hand, had thrown in the towel after just a month and a half after a reign marked by financial market turbulence and political turmoil.

Decision possibly already Monday

In the new week, the Tories want to clarify who will replace Truss as party leader and thus as head of government. The deadline for candidacy is Monday. However, only those who can claim the backing of 100 MPs from the Tory group have a chance of getting the job. According to the BBC, more than 140 parliamentarians have already spoken out in favor of the favorite and ex-Finance Minister Rishi Sunak.

If at least two applicants clear the hurdle, the parliamentary group first votes between them. After that, the party members should have the floor. However, if Sunak is the only one with the necessary backing, he could immediately be the next prime minister.

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