Grasbrunn – FWG against concrete desert instead of Bannwald – district of Munich

The Free Voters’ Association (FWG) Neukeferloh-Harthausen-Grasbrunn is unanimous in rejecting the plans presented by investors on Monday for a so-called local supply center between the B 304 and Luisenweg in Neukeferloh. “No concrete desert instead of a protected forest, no real estate speculation at the expense of the residents and the general public,” summarizes the FWG board. “The investors’ presentation was disappointing and underscored the impression that this is only about profit,” said FWG Chairman Johannes Seitner. “For this, more than 30 hectares of forest are sacrificed in a very sensitive area.” The project in the form presented would also bring new emissions and traffic burdens for the citizens of Neukeferloh. “It is therefore very clear to us that we will vote against it in the municipal council,” said Seitner.

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