“Grandma & Grandchildren” star Lisbeth Krömer: She is dead

“Grandma & Grandchildren” star Lisbeth Krömer
she is dead

Lisbeth and Christian Krömer at an event in Munich in 2020.

© getty /[EXTRACTED]: Gisela Schober / Getty Images

“Grandma & Grandchildren” star Lisbeth Krömer has died. Her grandson Christian Krömer announced the sad news via social media.

Lisbeth Krömer (93) is dead. Her grandson, Christian Krömer, announced this on Wednesday evening (December 29th) via social media. “A few years ago we started doing our nonsense here every day. Every day we took you with us into our everyday life because I loved spending time with my grandma. And yesterday she fell asleep forever in my hands,” says he tearfully in the video clip, which he published on Instagram, among other places.

Christian Krömer also tells of the hours of her death. He and his family were there for them around the clock. “She always imagined it that way. To be with the family, to be at home, not in the hospital,” he continues. “And now she has become an angel. But she will always be with us in our hearts,” he concludes his post.

In the stories he also shows the farewell post from his father, Kurt Krömer. He wrote about his black and white photo of himself and Grandma Lisbeth: “Dear mom, today you started your last trip. I thank you for your love and your time.”

Grandma and grandchildren as TikTok stars

The grandma and her grandson had videos from everyday life together conquered the TikTok platform. For their clips, which they showed during conversations, cooking or small trips, they received almost 30 million views and had a million subscribers.

Grandma Lisbeth was 93 years old. It was the family’s birthday celebrated with flowers, garlands and confetti on July 1, 2021 in Nuremberg – and let the 341,000 Instagram followers participate.


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