Grand oral of the parties, orange flood vigilance and fatal heatwave in Mecca

Did you miss the news this morning? We have put together a summary to help you see things more clearly.

High school students will feel a little less alone when faced with the stress of exams. The legislative campaign will indeed look a bit like a baccalaureate test this Thursday. Ten days before the first round, the representatives of the main parties will have the right to a grand oral presentation to present their program to employers’ organizations, including Medef. Edouard Philippe for Horizons, Éric Coquerel and Boris Vallaud for the New Popular Front, Jordan Bardella and Éric Ciotti for the RN and its partners, Bruno Le Maire for Ensemble pour la République, and Bruno Retailleau for LR will follow one another on the stage of the Gaveau room in Paris between 8:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. And everyone will do everything to reassure while the left and the far right are accused of making too expensive promises.

Flood vigilance in Mayenne and Maine-et-Loire

Bad weather will continue to hit a large part of France. Numerous thunderstorms and sometimes sustained rain throughout France are still forecast for this Thursday. If in its latest forecasts Météo-France lifted the last orange thunderstorm alerts, this color was however maintained for flood alert in Mayenne and Maine-et-Loire. “Due to the heavy rains during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday and during the evening from Wednesday to Thursday, significant overflows are to be expected on the Oudon river (which flows in both departments) particularly in the Craon sector”, indicated the meteorological service.

In Saudi Arabia, the hajj is once again tragically in mourning. In the middle of the pilgrimage, more than 900 pilgrims died, mainly due to the heatwave in the surroundings of Mecca. The majority of victims are Egyptian, with the death toll reaching at least 600. In addition to the Egyptian deaths, 60 deaths of Jordanians and 68 of Indian pilgrims were confirmed. Temperatures reaching 51.8 degrees were fatal for many pilgrims, especially those without access to air-conditioned facilities. The hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, must be performed by every Muslim who can afford to do so at least once in their life.

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