Gräfelfing – panel discussion on the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – Munich district

On the 33rd anniversary of the fall of the Wall on November 9th, the adult education center in Würmtal (VHS) in cooperation with the three high schools in Gauting, Planegg and Graefelfing is addressing the question: “What does the democratic revolution look like today?”. This will be discussed on the podium in the recreation hall of the Kurt-Huber-Gymnasium (KHG) in Gräfelfing on Wednesday, November 9, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. by VHS manager Julika Bake, Maren Mitterer as a representative of Fridays for Future and herself a KHG student , Wolfgang Bürkle, history supervisor at the KHG, and the Gautinger mayor Brigitte Kössinger (CSU). The basis for discussion is a 30-minute collage by the documentary filmmaker Marc Bauder, which is shown at the beginning and in which Bauder processed little-known film material on the history of the Wall, the division of Germany and the peaceful revolution of 1989. The organizers of the discussion evening want to pursue the question of whether a revolution is possible today, what it can look like and how it can be carried out democratically. The event is free of charge, registration is not required.

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