Government in favor of generalization of third dose of vaccine

The German government and the regions pleaded on Friday for a generalization of the third dose of the anti-Covid vaccine to cope with the intense resumption of the pandemic in the country. “The federal government and the state-regional governments agree that anyone who received their second (dose of) vaccination six months or more ago can be given a booster” with a third dose, he said. Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, at a press conference.

Angela Merkel’s government minister was speaking at the end of a two-day summit in Bavaria with the health ministers of the 16 German Länder Elderly people, patients with other pathologies and caregivers should according to him to be priorities but in the end, it is the entire population eligible for anti-Covid vaccines who should benefit from a third dose.

Record figures in Germany

“Recalls after six months must become the rule, not the exception,” he said. Booster vaccination is currently recommended for over 70s by the vaccination commission. “The fourth wave has clearly picked up speed and is hitting full force,” the minister warned.

Germany recorded this Friday a new daily record for new infections identified with 37,120 cases declared in 24 hours, according to the Robert Koch health watch institute (RKI). “We have difficult weeks ahead of us,” warned the minister, responsible for handling current affairs pending the formation of a new coalition in the coming weeks.

“We have the tools in hand to break the wave,” said Jens Spahn in reference to vaccinations. According to the latest figures from the RKI, 55.7 million people have received two doses of the vaccine, or 67% of the population.

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