Government crisis in Italy: Draghi ready to remain in office

Status: 07/20/2022 12:09 p.m

Italy’s Prime Minister Draghi has now declared his willingness to continue in government after his resignation request was rejected. The prerequisite is unified support from his coalition partners.

After his failed resignation bid, Mario Draghi is now ready to stay on as Italy’s prime minister. In a combative speech in Rome’s upper house, he made it clear that he would continue if he was supported by a broad majority in parliament. It is now up to the parties to decide whether they want to continue supporting a government of national unity. For a new government of this kind, Draghi stressed, new trust is needed after the internal disputes of the past few months.

“Draghi didn’t go even an inch towards five stars,” Rüdiger Kronthaler, ARD Rome, government crisis in Italy

Tagesschau 12:00 p.m., 20.7.2022

“It needs a new pact of trust that is sincere and correct, like the one that has so far allowed us to change the country for the better.” It’s the “only way to stay together,” he said. Italy doesn’t just need “fake trust” in the government.

Applause from Social Democrats

At the end of his speech, the head of government addressed the senators directly. “Are you willing to acknowledge the efforts you made in the first few months and then softened?” Draghi asked. He added: “You don’t have to give me the answer to this question, you have to give it to all Italians.”

Striking: The faction of the Five Star Movement, which triggered Draghi’s offer to resign last week, did not applaud at this point – in contrast to the factions, for example, of the social democratic PD and the Italia Viva party of former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

confidence vote in the evening

Senate President Maria Elisabetta Casellati adjourned the session after Draghi’s speech to give the parties time to deliberate. There will then be a five-hour debate. The vote of confidence on Draghi is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. If Draghi wins this, he still has to be given the vote of confidence by the House of Representatives. There will be a vote on Thursday.

The leader of the Five Star Movement and former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte had previously demanded that his party’s priorities – in particular a national minimum wage – be taken into account. Draghi addressed this demand directly in his speech. He said the government must “move in this direction, together with the social partners”.

Italians want Draghi to remain in office

According to polls, the majority of Italians still support Draghi. Last week, the Five Star Movement, previously part of the governing coalition, triggered a government crisis by abstaining in a vote of confidence in Draghi. Although Draghi survived the vote, he nevertheless submitted his resignation because he did not want to lead the unity government without the support of the Five Star Movement. However, President Sergio Mattarella rejected the resignation request.

The government crisis hits Italy in the middle of the struggle for future gas supplies and in the fight against the high cost of living. Measures against the high prices had led to a dispute between Draghi and the Five Star Movement.

With information from Jörg Seisselberg, ARD Studio Rome

Draghi offers to continue

Jörg Seisselberg, ARD Rome, 20.7.2022 11:40 a.m

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