Gopher: First mammal to grow its own food

University of Florida
Clever gopher: For the first time, researchers have observed a mammal that grows its own food

“Purchassies are really important ecosystem engineers.” Photo: Veronica Selden/Jack Putz/University of Florida/dpa

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Curious facts from the animal world: According to a new study, gophers harvest and fertilize parts of their food themselves.

Certain gophers in the US operate underground root farms, according to a new study. Scientists from the University of Florida reported in the journal “Current Biology” that the investigated Southeastern gopher (Geomys pinetis) carefully harvests and fertilizes parts of their food themselves.

The American rat species lives in extensive underground tunnel systems and feeds mainly on roots that grow into their burrows. Measurements taken in a field with burrows built by the little creatures indicate that they don’t just harvest the long-leaved pine roots that grow into their homes – they cultivate them, as the science portal “Sciencealert” interprets the study results.

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Gophers know exactly what they’re doing

The gopher’s winding tunnels, hundreds of meters long, are constantly being modified and revised. In their study, the researchers point out that gopher gophers know exactly what they are doing when it comes to root management.

The animals not only harvest them, but also cultivate the underground root fields with their dung as fertilizer. In this way, the gopher can continue to provide itself with food while the tunnel is being built, covering between 20 and 60 percent of its daily energy needs. The results also show that the animals spend a lot of time and energy defending their crops. In other words, the purposeful maintenance of burrows and the management of root growth conditions make their behavior a form of agriculture previously seen only in humans in the mammalian world.

The scientists hope their study creates a larger platform for the understudied animals, said researcher Veronica Selden. “Purse rats are much more interesting than you give them credit for,” says the zoologist. “They are really important ecosystem engineers.”

Sources: “Current Biology”, science alertDPA


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