Google services suffered a short outage due to an update

The problem was quickly fixed but has not gone unnoticed as 6 billion Google searches are performed every day. Tens of thousands of users of Google services reported outages to benchmark site on Monday night.

“We are aware of a software update issue that occurred late this afternoon Pacific Time that briefly affected the availability of Google Search and Maps, and we apologize for the inconvenience” , said a Google spokesperson. “We worked quickly to resolve the issue and our services are back online,” he added.

A concern almost completely resolved within two hours

“User reports indicate that there are problems on Google Maps since 9:36 p.m. (according to the time zone of the American east coast, which is 3:36 a.m. French time on Tuesday), “tweeted the DownDetector site on the night of Monday to Tuesday. . In the United States, more than 40,000 people reported to DownDetector that Google was not working for them at 9:20 p.m., especially in major cities like New York and Denver (Colorado).

This figure fell significantly in the two hours that followed. Reports continued to arrive, in fewer numbers, for Google Cloud (remote computing) and Google Calendar, in particular.

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