Google Cloud launches “Google for Startups Cloud Program” to support Web 3 startups

Google Cloud has announced the launch of the “Google for Startups Cloud Program” to support Web 3 startup projects in partnership with Web 3 companies such as Alchemy, Nansen, and Solana.

Google Cloud supports Web 3 projects.

According to a report from Google Cloud, Web 3 startups that advance to Series A pre-seed funding will be able to apply for the Google for Startups Cloud Program.

Startup projects will receive a number of benefits from this program including a grant worth over $200,000 for 2 years which will be provided in the form of Google Cloud credits and will also provide technical support.

“Our goal is to enable Web 3 creators to focus on what’s really needed in the market, allowing them to build a complete platform at no cost.”

Aptos, Celo, Flow, HBAR Foundation, Near and Solana Foundation will also be partners in the program. It will provide over $1 million in funding to develop the Web 3 platform.

Polygon Ventures will provide over $3 million in investments in this program from the Ecosystem Fund and prioritize reviews from the Ventures team, as well as all Polygon Venture benefits, some other perks from Google Cloud, such as priority review for the fund. Base Ecosystem Fund and testnet access, discounts on Nansen products and participation fees, credits for Alchemy and exclusive access to Alchemy University.

Google Cloud has long focused on Web 3.

Google Cloud has been interested in Web 3.0 technology since 2018, when it added a dataset for Bitcoin and has partnered with several crypto companies such as Coinbase. with BNB Chain last year

Previously, it was reported that Google Cloud’s Blockchain Node Engine, which isserveFor web3 development hosting nodes will support Polygon as part of a strategic alliance.

Previously, Celo Foundation partnered with Google Cloud to expand Celo Blockchain ecosystem services.

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