Going out in Drôme Ardèche on September 16 and 17, 2023

European Heritage Days:

There is no shortage of proposals in our departments and the website of the Ministry of Culture is exhaustive on the subject. In our selection, there is the return of a sculpture of Christ which finds its place in the hamlet of Veyrines in the Ardèche commune of Saint-Symphorien de Mahun. The Grazioso quartet performs for these heritage days in the church of Montségur sur Lauzon . So go and discover the restoration work which was completed in Lens-Lestang in the north of Drôme, or the open doors of the departmental archives in Romans and Valence or the Mas d’Espinas exceptionally open to visits in the Cévennes Ardéchoises.

Exhibition poster the universe without the home - Valencia Museum
Exhibition poster the universe without the home – Valencia Museum

This weekend is also the last days to visit the temporary exhibition “The universe without man ” at the Valence museum in partnership with France Bleu Drôme Ardèche.


The Drôme takes place this weekend from Die, in the Vercors. The Drômoise is like the Ardéchoise, a large gathering of cycle tourists and cycle sports enthusiasts. Listen again to 100% sports with Thomas Béchet, President and Pierric Tabouret, race director of “La Drômoise Cyclo”.

Running with 22nd round of Crussol . It is not one race but 6 races of different lengths for the sporty and the less sporty. Everyone has their own race! Listen to 100% sports again with Lilian Valette, President of Macadam and Céline Balaye, volunteer.


Poster of the escape from the streets in Die
Poster of the escape from the streets in Die

In Die, bikes on one side for the Drômoise (see above) and street arts and contemporary music on the other with the “L’Escapée des Rues” festival. Listen again to the interview with Hugo Frison, director of the “Les aires” theater in Die at the microphone of Patrice Caillet for France Bleu Drôme Ardèche.


From humor to comedy palace in Valencia with Vincent Coche. Listen again to Patrice Caillet’s interview with the comedian.


How is he #00 – I switched to Game One

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