Going on vacation with your Tinder plan, dream summer or waking nightmare? tell us

Great madness or great stupidity. In the past or this summer, you decided to go on vacation with your dating app crush. You only knew this person for a few days or a few weeks and yet it is with him that you packed your bags for a weekend, a week, a month, etc.

Tell us why you made this decision? What did your loved ones think? Tell us about the little surprises, the big disappointments or the best anecdotes of your stay? Have you had a dream moment? Was it even better than going with friends or family? Or have you spent an interminable stay stuck with the worst partner in the history of the holidays? And above all, what was the outcome of this trip?

Whether this experience was a turning point in your life or a major love failure, your story interests us. You can testify by filling in the form below, your testimonies will be used to write an article. Thanks in advance.

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