Giselle at the Gärtnerplatztheater: with costumes by Talbot & Runhof. – Munich

What the Talbot & Runhof label has perfected is fashion that creates an effect. Even the simplest top from Talbot & Runhof still looks glamour. For the upcoming “Giselle” premiere at the Gärtnerplatz-Theater, Johnny Talbot and Adrian Runhof have now ventured into the world of stage costumes. The result is something reminiscent of the classic “Giselle” costumes. But it also suggests that fashion designers, not costume designers, were at work. In any case, no costume designers who want to create a classic piece with very classic costumes.

A design by Talbot & Runhof.

(Photo: Talbot & Runhof)

Giselle’s dress has fir green velvet at the waist and a flared patch skirt. Satin patches in metallic tones contrast with patches made from firmer materials like tweed. Prince Albrecht, Giselle’s lover, wears the matching patch waistcoat. The patches were sewn by the upcycling studio “Bellevue Couture”: a project of the cultural center “Bellevue di Monaco”, where refugee women sew, using leftover sample fabrics. The result is costumes that show Giselle and Albrecht almost in a partner look, as if they have merged. Actually apt: Up until Giselle’s tragic death, they were after all a real couple in times of often arranged marriages.

“Giselle”, premiere, Thursday, Nov. 17, 7.30 p.m., Gärtnerplatztheater, Gärtnerplatz 3,

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