Giorgia Meloni and the Right: Italy after the election – Politics


Oliver Meier

It was as if Giorgia Meloni had always imagined her moment of triumph like this, she was so composed. Rome in the middle of the night. The results of the parliamentary elections were just coming in. There she was already standing on the stage, impatient, white sports shoes. She wanted to thank so many people, including those who were no longer allowed to experience this night. Rino Gaetano’s song “A mano a mano” blared out of the loudspeakers as if it were the anthem of Fratelli d’Italia. Later, the descendants of the left-wing singer-songwriter would complain to the party. They said they were fed up with Rino’s songs being misused as political soundtracks. But that was later, no discordant note disturbed the performance. Lots of kissing and tears in the audience. It’s also a sensation. “Italy chose us,” says Meloni. “And we will not disappoint it.”

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