Gims, Slimane and Dadju cover “Belle” from the musical “Notre-Dame de Paris”

Gims, Dadju and Slimane cover “Belle”, the hit of “Notre-Dame de Paris” – YouTube screenshot

This one, this cover, you didn’t necessarily expect, but it’s there. The tube Beautiful, extract from the essential musical made in France, Notre Dame of Paris , is back in the bins, and especially on streaming platforms, with a three-part cover by Gims, Dadju and Slimane. The singers replace Garou, Daniel Lavoie and Patrick Fiori for a very personal version and clip.

Written by Luc Plamondon and composed by Richard Cocciante, the original song remained at the top of sales for 18 straight weeks in 1998, a record broken just two years later by Mambo N ° 5 and its 20 weeks. The single is nonetheless the best-selling single of the 1990s and the third best-selling of all time with nearly 2.5 million copies. Not sure that the new trio reach the same heights.

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