Gifts, menus, organization… You are a woman, does Christmas explode your mental load?

On this December 1st, many children rejoice by opening the first box of their Advent calendar, while some women welcome this date… with a few drops of sweat.

Because the marathon is launched: invitations for multiple Christmases, organization of holidays, anticipation of races, menus, expenses, lists of gifts for everyone, hiding place so that the surprise is not spoiled … Not easy to find gift ideas different for grandparents, godmother, uncles …

Anticipate and delegate

If December rhymes with magic, it translates for some into an explosion of mental load. The most ambitious innovate each year in the kitchen, and devote themselves to homemade gifts and zero waste gift wrap. The more experienced have learned to delegate (“Shouldn’t you take care of your family?”), Have a back-planning in their cellphones and have been anticipating the presents for two months. The most drunk write a check to each member of the tribe and order from the caterer.

This year again, the Covid-19 leaves uncertainty over large family reunions or holidays in the sun. Will we have to cancel all invitations? And send all the gifts by La Poste? Covid or not, Christmas is not necessarily a piece of cake for women, and mothers in particular.

And you, do you have the impression that your brain is going to explode in this month of December? No more than another period? Is preparing for Christmas more a joy than stress? Do you manage to distribute the tasks of each within the couple? Of the family ? Have you opted for a mini-committee New Year’s Eve to stop spending money and energy? What have you put in place to alleviate your special holiday mental load?

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