Ghost Games Expert: Can play games with spectators

Corona restrictions in football
Virologist: Ghost games are not absolutely necessary

Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich had to do without spectators in May 2020. The upcoming duel will probably have 15,000 spectators.

© Federico Gambarini / DPA

The federal and state governments have not decided on ghost games for the Bundesliga. But these are still possible, as just recently in Leipzig. From a virological point of view, is it necessary to play in front of empty stands? That’s what the expert says.

There is another ghost haunted in football: ghost games. For the time being, the federal and state governments have decided to significantly reduce the number of participants for national sports, cultural and comparable major events. In future, a maximum of 30 to 50 percent of the space can be used. There can be a maximum of 5,000 visitors indoors and a maximum of 15,000 outdoors.

But ghost games are not off the table. “Some federal states will adopt even more far-reaching restrictions,” said the new Federal Chancellor-designate Olaf Scholz after the federal-state consultations. Due to the high incidence in Saxony, the first ghost game in a long time took place in Leipzig last weekend. Bayern are already planning ghost games for this weekend.

But do ghost games even make sense from a virological point of view? How high is the risk of infection in a stadium? Professor Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit, virologist at the University of Hamburg, has a clear answer: He does not consider it absolutely necessary. In principle, general statements are difficult, but “we have all the technical possibilities to make games with a reduced number of spectators very safe,” he said star. It is important that the fans can keep enough distance in the stadium and wear a medical mask. Because the transmission through aerosols, which collect in the air as in closed rooms, is not the problem, but the direct droplet transmission when too close. And the risk can be minimized through consistent implementation of hygiene measures.

The way to the stadium does not have to be dangerous

In Schmidt-Chanasit’s opinion, the way to the stadium does not always have to be a danger. Rules such as 3G or 2G + apply there, for example for visits to clubs and pubs. Basically, he has nothing against football games with a limited number of spectators. The virologist also points out an effect that ghost games would have. The fans are again increasingly meeting in private, where most of the infections take place. He therefore argues that it is better to allow spectators “outdoors in a controlled manner” than for them to come together in private “uncontrolled indoors”.

Politics is currently following this knowledge. Also because she knows that ghost games represent the greatest possible horror scenario for football. It’s not just about the lack of mood, but primarily about the money. Many clubs are dependent on spectator income. Ghost games would be a financial setback in difficult times, even if the crucial income comes from TV marketing. For now, the nightmare has been averted.

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