Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: For the first time, Prince Andrew’s name was mentioned

Epstein friend
Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: For the first time, Prince Andrew’s name was mentioned

Prince Andrew was mentioned in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial

© Steve Parsons / Picture Alliance

Ghislaine Maxwell is on trial in New York. She is accused of extraditing young girls to Jeffrey Epstein. On day two, it was also about Prince Andrew for the first time.

Jeffrey Epstein’s friend Ghislaine Maxwell has had to defend herself in a New York court since Monday. She is accused of having delivered young girls to the deceased sex offender.

The allegations against the Briton weigh heavily – and are very likely to be followed with tension in Great Britain.

Ghislaine Maxwell: Prince Andrew’s name falls

Because the Royal Family also plays a role, more precisely: Prince Andrew. He, too, was friends with Epstein and Maxwell. One of Epstein’s victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, accuses the Royal of molesting her. Andrew’s name was mentioned for the first time on the second day of the negotiations. The pilot Larry Visoski was invited as the first witness and his testimony was already tough. Because he mentioned four famous men: In addition to Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Kevin Spacey.

He said that he had never witnessed sexual activity on board Epstein’s private jet, the “Lolita Express”. The cockpit door was always closed. But both Andrew and Clinton, Trump and Spacey flew with the machine.

Andrew, Trump, Clinton and Spacey

“Epstein was the big number one,” he said of the late entrepreneur. Maxwell called Visoski the clear number two. Although he confirmed that Andrew was on board, the pilot could not remember when the Royal flew with Epstein. He said of Donald Trump that he was a guest “a few times”. He also recalled that whenever Clinton was on board, he should go out of his way to keep the plane looking nice.

Though Visoski testified as a prosecutor’s witness, his narrative rather exonerated Maxwell. Because he did not remember seeing underage girls on board. Spicy: Each of the four famous men who flew on the “Lolita Express” is or has been accused of sexual harassment or even abuse in the past.

source: BBC


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