Ghislaine Maxwell: These celebrities must be trembling now

Guilty verdict for Epstein confidants
After the Maxwell ruling: These celebrities must tremble now

Ghislaine Maxwell 2015 in New York

© TNS / ABACA / Picture Alliance

After the New York court found guilty, Ghislaine Maxwell, a former confidante of Epstein, faces up to 65 years in prison. She could reduce the sentence if she cooperates with the authorities – and gives names. It could be uncomfortable for Prince Andrew and two ex-US presidents.

Prosecutor Damian Williams called it “one of the worst crimes imaginable”. The twelve jurors of the court in New York largely agreed and found the longtime confidante of the late US multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, guilty on five out of six counts, including trafficking of minors.

The sentence has not yet been determined, but the 60-year-old could face a decade-long prison sentence. But there is one way to significantly reduce the sentence: if she cooperates with the authorities.

So far Ghislaine Maxwell has been absolutely silent in court and refused to testify. But since she threatens to spend the rest of her life behind bars, she could change course and switch from secrecy to cooperation. Because the authorities are also interested in the people who were part of Jeffrey Epstein’s network and who took part in the parties at which the investment banker, who died in 2019, brought underage girls to his guests.

Prince Andrew was friends with Ghislaine Maxwell

Against one of these men, the next sensational trial could start soon: On January 4th, a New York judge is due to decide whether he will allow the indictment against Prince Andrew, the Queen’s second eldest son. He is accused of having sexually abused the then underage Virginia Roberts Giuffre more than 20 years ago.

Should it come to trial, this would – regardless of the outcome – do maximum damage to the British royal family. Maxwell could provide interesting details here: She was good friends with Prince Andrew.

Guilty verdict for Epstein confidants: After the Maxwell judgment: These celebrities must now tremble

Maxwell also has to fear other prominent personalities: Two former US presidents were among Jeffrey Epstein’s circle of friends and are said to have flown regularly with his private plane: Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

There are no concrete allegations against the two statesmen – but Ghislaine Maxwell may know more. Should it testify, the cards could be reshuffled.

Source used:“Daily Mail”


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