Ghislaine Maxwell a “predator” like Epstein, according to the jury

Convicted British woman
Ghislaine Maxwell Juror: “She is just as guilty as Epstein”

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were very close

© SDNY / Picture Alliance

After the jury found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty on five out of six counts, this is the first time a jury has spoken. Among other things, he explains how Maxwell would have appeared more human.

He was one of the people who decided the fate of Ghislaine Maxwell. Scotty David spoke to the British newspaper “Daily Mail” about the trial of the Briton and friend of Jeffrey Epstein.

Ghislaine Maxwell: Juror reveals details

He points out that he saw her innocent until proven guilty. He also observed the witnesses who testified against her in court with a portion of skepticism, so that Maxwell could be treated fairly. In the end it is clear to him: “From what I have learned, she is just as guilty as Epstein. I do not want to call her a monster, but a predator is the right word,” he told the Daily Mail.

David, whose last name the newspaper was not allowed to publish, also emphasized that Maxwell would have appeared more human to him if she had testified herself. But Maxwell didn’t do that. Scotty David is certain that Maxwell wasn’t much better than her buddy Jeffrey Epstein. “She knew what was going on. She knew what Epstein was doing and she let it happen. She helped make these girls feel good so he could abuse them,” said the juror, who revealed that he had heard little about her before. “And for me it has nothing to do with the repeated return for the money because these girls were minors and it doesn’t matter what made them do it. It depends what happened to them.”

Post-it notes to their attorneys

The juror sat in the third row of the jury box and could see what was going on there. “I literally could [die ganze Zeit] see. There were times when it felt like she was staring right at me and we were looking each other in the eye. It didn’t feel real. She was constantly taking notes and passing post-it notes to her attorneys, especially when they were cross-examined.

Additionally, Scotty revealed to David that the jury was unsure how to judge Maxwell. The turning point came when he shared his experiences with sexual abuse himself. A detail that could still cause discussion. The fact that he came into contact with abuse as part of the jury could have been an exclusion criterion for participation. It remains to be seen whether Maxwell’s attorneys will use the information to successfully appeal.

“I am pleased to know that we have done our due diligence and that we have brought justice to these victims, these girls who are now women,” said the juror.

source: “Daily Mail”

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