GG Anderson: Paralyzed right side of face

GG Anderson
Paralyzed right side of face

GG Anderson in an appearance in the summer of 2021.

© imago images / STAR-MEDIA

Just before Christmas, GG Anderson suffered right-sided facial paralysis. But he is optimistic that he will be able to sing again soon.

GG Anderson (72) has to cancel appearances on TV shows. The reason: the singer recently suffered facial paralysis. “I was having dinner just before Christmas and suddenly the right corner of my mouth hung down”, the pop star told “Bild”. “I could no longer chew and couldn’t close my right eye. I also found it difficult to speak.”

Anderson went to the hospital. There the doctors diagnosed paralysis of the facial muscles on the right side. They blamed an inflammation of the nerves as the cause.

GG Anderson wants to go on tour in March

As a result, GG Anderson had to cancel several appearances on television shows. In it the singer, whose real name is Gerd Grabowski, actually wanted to present his new album “Wenn in Santa Maria”. “I can’t possibly sing there, otherwise people will think I’m from the ghost train.”

The doctors promised him that the facial paralysis would go away in a few weeks. Until then, Anderson gets facial massages and trains to speak with a speech therapist. In March it should go on tour. The singer is optimistic that it will come to that. “I’ve already got over a few diseases – I’ll beat these too,” he says.


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