GEW head for critical handling of AfD in teaching

As of: March 29, 2024 8:57 a.m

GEW boss Finnern calls on teachers to engage with the AfD in the classroom. After all, teachers swore to defend the Constitution.

The Education and Science Union (GEW) has called on teachers in Germany to critically address the AfD in their lessons. “The AfD is a party with anti-constitutional tendencies. Teachers can and should say that in the classroom,” said GEW boss Maike Finnern to the Stuttgarter Zeitung and the Stuttgarter Nachrichten.

“The best way to do this is to analyze concrete statements and processes and discuss them with the students,” emphasized Finnern. She not only encourages teachers to engage with the AfD in the classroom, but also expressly calls on them to do so. “Teachers swear by the constitution and to defend it,” added the GEW boss.

“Duty, vote against Right-wing extremism to raise”

Finnern reported that many teachers were afraid that they would get into trouble with their employers if they went to demonstrations against right-wing extremism. However, that is not correct. Like other citizens, teachers have the right to demonstrate against right-wing extremism.

“In our view, they have a duty even more than others to stand up for democracy and diversity and to raise their voices against right-wing extremism and anti-constitutional activities,” she added.

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