Getaways to Delaware, “light” planning… For Joe Biden, is it so trying to be president?

“Is this a good situation, President of the United States? Without leaving it to the talkative scribe Otis to expound, it is difficult to answer this question other than in the affirmative. But having such power comes with heavy responsibilities.

Leading the world’s leading power also means accepting to see all its actions dissected. On this point, Joe Biden, 80, is not left out. The oldest president in the country’s history, the Democrat fell Thursday during a military ceremony in Colorado. Last year, a bicycle fall of the octogenarian had already questioned. In the event of re-election, “Sleepy Joe”, a candidate for re-election in 2024, will be 86 years old at the end of his second term.

“A very light public program”

Given the age, can the president’s schedule be adjusted when leading such a power? His predecessor and possible future opponent in 2024, Donald Trump, was not known to be a workaholic. Just like Republican George W. Bush, more of a fan of his Texas ranch than meetings at the White House. Barack Obama and Bill Clinton didn’t have to be asked to go play golf… A tailor-made schedule that allowed them to allow themselves wide periods of rest. To the point of raising a question, a bit provocative: can we govern the United States while preserving ourselves? In other words, does Joe Biden have enough latitude to lead without getting exhausted?

“The planning and the load of the office do not explain the incidents of Joe Biden. Compared to its predecessors, it is the one with the lightest schedule. He arrives at his office around 9 in the morning, he leaves around 6-7 in the early evening. It’s very few hours, especially since his public program is very light. The majority of its public events take place between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and never on weekends”, emphasizes Marie-Christine Bonzom, political scientist specializing in the United States, who has covered 7 American presidential elections.

When Biden deserts the White House

In 2022, CNN noted that Joe Biden had spent almost a quarter of his presidency working in Delaware, at home, rather than at the White House. Far more frequent trips than Donald Trump, much criticized on this point during his presidency.

“Biden regularly goes on weekends to Delaware, at home, but he is able to work remotely, cuts Nicole Bacharan, historian specializing in the United States, author of the book The toughest of them all. The White House follows them everywhere, wherever they go. You have to be able to wake up in the middle of the night to make heavy decisions, even if the administration filters the files to leave only the thorniest to the president. »

Another important point. The speeches of the former vice-president of Obama, renowned for his blundering side, are rare. “The impression we have, and what is beginning to transpire from the White House, is that Biden is certainly the most framed American president compared to his predecessors”, analyzes Marie-Christine Bonzom. “It is obvious that his teams restrict him on this, supports Nicole Bacharan. He intervenes with a teleprompter, and it must not last too long.

A preserved president

Despite the reduced media solicitations and the president’s few outings, Americans are worried about the mental acuity of their leader. In a recent poll, of the 70% of Americans who oppose Joe Biden’s re-election, 69% cite age as a deciding or important factor. “In the United States, you can continue to work when you are old and in good shape, they have no preconceptions about it. But there, they see someone not totally in control of their abilities, ”notes Marie-Christine Bonzom.

In the 1980s, the question of the president’s age had already arisen, with Ronald Reagan. The former actor acceded to the supreme function at almost 70 years old. “But he was showing off his physical strength. Then he hid the deterioration of his state of health during his second term, ”recalls Nicole Bacharan.

During the campaign for his re-election in 1984 the former actor had prepared for the question about his age. Launched on the subject by the moderator of the debate, facing his Democratic rival Walter Mondale, Reagan drew. “I also want you to know that I will not make age a subject of this campaign. I am not going to exploit my adversary’s youth and inexperience for political purposes. “Not sure that the argument will hit the mark for Joe Biden during a future debate against Donald Trump… Who will blow out his 77th candle in mid-June.

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