“Germany’s next top model”: all the facts about the popular makeover episode

“Germany’s Next Topmodel”
All the facts about the popular makeover episode

How will candidate Vanessa look after the makeover?

© ProSieben/Richard Hübner

On March 10, “GNTM” is finally here: the popular makeover episode is coming up! Who gets a completely new look?

Heidi Klum (48) shows thieving joy season after season when “Germany’s next top model” goes back to makeover. Which model has to believe it this time and get involved in a completely new look? First details of the episode from March 10 allow initial assumptions.

Vanessa: “Now it’s too late”

“This year we’re styling fewer girls than usual, but the changes are all the more extreme,” explains Klum before the makeover in Los Angeles. Eight models will get new looks that Klum dreamed up with her personal stylist, Wendy Iles. Sophie (18) is worried about what the stylists will do with her long, blond hair: “The worst thing that could happen now would be a dumb cut. A men’s haircut, very short. That would really be my nightmare,” explains the model ProSieben interview. Luca (21) also fears a new haircut: “What would be a disaster for me would be if I were to have a pot hairstyle cut. I would just not feel comfortable with that.”

It is clear that Klum has something special planned for Vanessa (20): “Vanessa has a beautiful face. Crazy blue eyes. But with her rather inconspicuous look with her long, brown hair, she doesn’t really stand out. I’ll put it this way: Am At the end of the day, none of this will apply to Vanessa anymore. It’s going to be so blatant, “explains the 48-year-old. “Now it’s too late. Now I’m here, now there’s no turning back,” Vanessa says bravely. But the preview clip shows that tears will flow from the model after the change.

Courage is rewarded

It will only be decided in a few weeks whether the bravest candidates will ultimately be rewarded for their perseverance and end up at the top of “Germany’s next top model”. The fact that it can be of great advantage to say goodbye to your previous look and to trust the stylists is proven by three candidates who were able to take home the win in the end.

First, Lena Gercke (34) won in 2006 with a short hairstyle that was missed during the big makeover and was named the first “GNTM” winner ever. After that, Gercke was able to gain a foothold in the model business. In the third season, Jennifer Hofs (30) hair became shorter and shorter – in the end she was able to win too. And in 2016, winner Kim Hnizdo (26) had to exchange her long hair for a pixie, which brought her happiness, in an extremely involuntary manner.

And not only winners benefit from the professional makeover. Recent example: Romina Palm (22). After the makeover, her hair shone in a bright orange-red. She only dropped out in the final, ended up fourth and is still successful today as a model and influencer. She stayed true to her hair color.


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