Germany to introduce restrictions for the unvaccinated

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8:00 p.m. : It is 8 p.m., here is a new summary of the news of this Thursday:

• The national assembly has just given a first green light to the bill to ask “sorry” and try to “to fix” the prejudices suffered by the harkis and their families.

• Germany will generalize specific restrictions for the unvaccinated, such as their exclusion from certain public places, in order to combat the outbreak of infections, announced Angela Merkel after a crisis meeting. Follow our live.

• #MARIES “I truly believe, in the short term, in deconcentration”, estimated Emmanuel Macron, in front of the 103rd congress of the Association of Mayors of France. “We may inherit past decisions”, he added.

• The French Minister of the Sea, Annick Girardin, announced that he was preparing “fleet exit plans“to compensate French vessels which ultimately do not obtain a post-Brexit fishing license to access British waters.

19:44 : 20,366 new cases of Covid-19 have been detected in the past 24 hours in France, according to Public Health France. A week ago, 12,603 ​​new cases were reported. There are 7,787 people hospitalized for a coronavirus infection, including 1,333 in intensive care. Last Thursday, 6,952 people were hospitalized, including 1,145 in intensive care.

7:23 p.m. : “For younger people, the immune system has a longer and more important memory”, explains Olivier Véran. On RTL, the Minister of Health rejects “for the moment” generalization of the booster dose of vaccine to the entire population.

7:10 p.m. : Germany wants to make vaccination against Covid-19 compulsory for staff in hospitals and retirement homes, the government and the heads of regions announced after an emergency meeting. “We must protect the most vulnerable groups”, they said. The government of Angela Merkel had so far refused to consider compulsory vaccination for certain professional categories.

7:04 p.m. : The so-called “2G” rule, which allows only the vaccinated (“geimpfte”) and the cured (“genesene”) to access public places such as restaurants or concert halls will be applied as soon as the hospitalization threshold exceeds three Covid patients per 100,000 inhabitants, she said, which is the case in most regions of the country.

7:04 p.m. : Germany will generalize specific restrictions for the unvaccinated, such as their exclusion from certain public places, in order to combat the surge in Covid-19 infections, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced after a meeting of crisis.


6:21 p.m. : The Covid-19 figures “confirm that we are in the 5th wave”, has just declared the Minister of Health Olivier Véran on RTL. He notes, however, that” ‘iThere is no longer the same relationship between the number of cases and the health consequences “, because “we are vaccinated”.

5:59 p.m. : Does Pfizer recognize that five years to know the risks in young children ? Opponents of vaccination misinterpret a document in which the American laboratory details the results of the clinical trial conducted over 5-11 years. Explanations.

A child receives an injection of the Covid-19 vaccine on November 8, 2021 in New York (United States).  (MICHAEL M. SANTIAGO / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP)


4:27 p.m. : Hello @Capuromale The CGT notably cited demands on the quality of life at work or the recognition of their professions. The union calls in particular for an increase in wages to attract new employees. The president of the Toques Blanches Lyonnaises, for his part, pleads for a drop in charges “by 10%”.

4:27 p.m. : Hello, Negotiations were to take place in the restaurant business today. Do you have any feedback on what was actually proposed by the various unions?

2:50 p.m. : The Pfizer laboratory reveals that the US government has ordered 10 million treatments of its anti-Covid pill for $ 5.29 billion, subject to the drug receiving the green light from health authorities.

2:31 p.m. : So-called “comfort” tests are no longer reimbursed for unvaccinated people, unless they have a medical prescription or if they are identified as contact cases. Screening charged around 22 euros for an antigen test and 44 euros for a PCR. Franceinfo explains why the return to free testing is defended by several specialists.

A screening stand at Covid-19, in France, in September 2021. (BURGER / PHANIE / AFP)


2:09 p.m. : The Spanish government will expand the administration of a third dose of Covid-19 vaccine to people over 60 and healthcare professionals.

1:04 p.m. : The Ministry of Labor does not currently plan to strengthen the rules on teleworking, according to a source from the ministry to franceinfo. “The situation is not the same as last spring: 90% of adults are vaccinated today”, we explain.

1:08 p.m. : Around 1,350 liberal health professionals, including 160 doctors, are now banned from practicing for non-compliance with the vaccination obligation, says Medicare. Since November 15, these professionals must certify a “complete scheme”, under penalty of prohibition procedures.

10h59 : The strike continues against the health pass in Guadeloupe. Several blockages disrupted access to the Pointe-à-Pitre University Hospital and traffic on certain roads yesterday. In Guadeloupe, mistrust has been strong towards the authorities since the chlordecone scandal. The blocking of the Perrin Les Abymes roundabout led by activists from the General Union of Workers of Guadeloupe (UGTG) to protest against the vaccination obligation of caregivers, Wednesday, November 17, 2021. (CARLA BERNHARDT / AFP)(CARLA BERNHARDT / AFP)

10:44 am : Hello, you are not the only one wondering about this, especially since we hear anything and everything. Over the last week of October (which is the most recent for which I have all data at hand), the number of critical care admissions was three per million people fully vaccinated. This population represents 42% of people admitted to critical care and 48% of people admitted to conventional hospitalization. At this stage, we can therefore say to ourselves: but what is the point of being vaccinated?

But to get an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the vaccine, you have to compare the number of hospitalizations against the general populations of vaccinated and unvaccinated. However, the vaccinated represent 86% of the population aged 20 and over. Thus, for a comparable population size, there are approximately 9 times more critical care admissions among unvaccinated people than among those who are fully vaccinated aged 20 and over.

10:24 am : Hello, can you tell us if it is correct that there are more patients vaccinated than unvaccinated covid, in urgent cases in the hospital, in France, and especially tell us why. Thank you. And well done for your work

10:44 am : Children soon to be vaccinated against Covid-19? We don’t wait for a decision “before the start of 2022”, assured Gabriel Attal, the spokesman of the government, on LCI.

9:50 a.m. : Hello @New wave, this is indeed what the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, announced this morning on LCI. Vaccination centers, which had closed at the end of the summer after six months of a mass vaccination campaign, will “resume an activity” to help with the booster dose.

09:49 : Hello. Will the announcement of the 5th wave of covid lead to the reopening of vaccination centers that have been closed? I only find appointments in my department … at the end of January 2022 while my 3rd reminder should be done at the end of December

6:37 a.m. : The stands of the Australian Open, which will take place in January, may be full, announce the authorities in Melbourne, who have started to lift the restrictions intended to curb the Covid-19 pandemic.

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