Germany opposes green EU label for nuclear power

Germany opposes green EU label for nuclear power

Nuclear power plant (AKW) Isar 2. Germany votes against a sustainability label for nuclear power proposed by the EU Commission. Photo: Armin Weigel/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The EU Commission had proposed issuing a sustainability label for nuclear power. Germany is now reacting with a veto against the project.

As announced, Germany will speak out against a sustainability label for nuclear power proposed by the EU Commission.

At the request of the German Press Agency on Saturday night, the Ministry of Finance announced that the Federal Government had declared to the French Council Presidency that it would veto the corresponding supplementary legal act. If the EU states or the European Parliament objected, the legal act could be prevented from coming into force, according to the Ministry of Finance. France currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU states in Brussels.

The so-called taxonomy is a classification system for sustainable investments. The classification of certain investments as sustainable is intended to attract investors in order to advance the energy transition. So far, renewable energies, among others, have been classified as climate-friendly in the taxonomy. At the end of 2021, the EU Commission also proposed, despite widespread criticism, that investments in gas and nuclear power be classified as sustainable financial investments for the time being.

From government circles it said: “The federal government does not expect that the German vote will stop the taxonomy.” The coalition had decided that Germany would not take legal action against the legal act. This was partially requested.

MEP Rasmus Andresen was pleased to hear the news from Berlin. “The German no is a slap in the face for the EU Commission. The pressure on Ursula von der Leyen to end this wrong path is increasing,” said the spokesman for the Green delegation. The Greens are now also calling on other member states to object to the Commission’s proposal. In July, the EU Parliament is to vote on its position on the proposal.


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