Germany – More vacancies in industry – business

The number of vacancies to be filled in German industry rose sharply in the second quarter. Compared to the first quarter, the number of vacancies in the manufacturing sector has increased by 21 percent, said the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) on the basis of its job survey in Nuremberg on Thursday. Across all sectors, the number rose by three percent or a total of 38,000 jobs – industry alone accounted for 26,000. “Overall, there is a recovery effect on the German labor market across the board,” said IAB labor market researcher Alexander Kubis. There are also numerous vacancies in the service sector, for example in the hospitality industry, in the cultural sector and in the healthcare sector. “The Covid 19 pandemic has left a very clear mark on the labor market,” said Kubis. In this respect, the sharp increase in vacancies in the sectors particularly affected by the crisis is also a result of the recovery. With its job survey, a survey of companies, the IAB examines the entire job vacancy in the country four times a year. In the second quarter, 6,500 employers had responded to the researchers’ questions.


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