Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria… The results of the vote outside France

The day after the European elections, we of course remember in France the overwhelming victory of the National Rally and the rout of the presidential party. And above all the surprise announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly which will force the French to return to the polls on June 30 and July 7.

But elsewhere in Europe, election night was also lively with the successful bet of the head of the Italian government Giorgia Meloni and the setback suffered by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Overview of the results in the main European countries.

In Germany, a bitter setback for Olaf Scholz

Like Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz experienced a real defeat on Sunday evening. The German Chancellor’s Social Democrats only came in third place with just over 14% of the vote. Among our German neighbors, it was the conservative bloc of the CDU and the CSU which came quite well in the lead, collecting almost 30% of the votes.

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Despite the recent scandals which have marred its head of list Maximilian Krah, the far-right AfD list comes in second place with around 14.5% of the votes. The two other parties in the coalition, the Greens and the Liberals (FDP), obtained 12% and 5% of the votes respectively. These results are a “disaster for the parties of the ruling coalition”, indicated Sunday evening the president of the CDU, Friedrich Merz, calling on the chancellor for “a change of policy” after this severe defeat.

In Italy, Giorgia Meloni succeeded in her bet

She emerges strengthened from the election. As expected, the head of the Italian government Giorgia Meloni won her bet on Sunday evening during the European elections. In the boot, the far-right Fratelli d’Italia list that she led came in first with around 28.8% of the votes, according to the almost final results from the Ministry of the Interior. ” THANKS. Fratelli d’Italia confirms its position as the leading Italian party by surpassing the results of the last elections,” the woman who has ruled Italy since October 2022 welcomed on a referendum on his person by asking voters to simply write “Giorgia” on their ballot.

During a brief public intervention, the Prime Minister said she was “proud that this country is presenting itself at the G7 and in Europe with the strongest government of all”, while the other leaders of major European countries, Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz in the lead, emerges weakened from this election. The main opposition party in Italy, the Democratic Party (center left) came in second with around 24% of the vote, ahead of the populist 5 Star Movement (9.9%), Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia (9.7%). ) and the Anti-Migrant League of Matteo Salvini, ally of Giorgia Meloni, which collected 9.1% of the votes.

The right in the lead in Spain, ahead of Pedro Sánchez’s socialists

Unlike many countries, the European elections were quite close in Spain. But ultimately it was the People’s Party (PP), the main opposition party, which won the election, obtaining around 34% of the votes and twenty-two seats in the European Parliament. While they had largely won the previous European election in 2019, the Socialists of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez came second with around 30% of the votes and twenty seats. The far-right group Vox completes the podium with around 9.6% of the votes.

Also note that a new far-right group, “Se acabó la fiesta” (The Party is over) founded by the controversial YouTuber Alvise Pérez, totaled around 4.5% of the votes and will enter the European Parliament with three deputies. The far left is in decline, going from six seats in 2019 to five in a context of divisions. Sumar, a party governing in coalition with the socialists at the national level, won three seats and Podemos, the historic party of this political family, two.

The far right of a short head in Austria

The victory was close but it was still a victory. In Austria, the far-right FPÖ party won the vote on Sunday evening, receiving 25.7% of the vote. The conservatives of the ÖVP, currently in government, and the social democrats of the SPÖ follow closely with 25.7% and 24.7% of the vote respectively.

The socialist opposition on edge in Portugal

It was very close. Sunday evening, it was finally the socialist opposition which won the European election. The list of Marta Temido, former Minister of Health during the Covid-19 pandemic, came first with 32.1% of the votes. She is a smidgen ahead of the list of the government coalition led by a 28-year-old journalist who was just starting out in politics, Sebastiao Bugalho, who collected 31.1% of the votes. The far-right Chega party comes in third position, with 9.8% of the vote, a score significantly lower than that of the legislative elections in March (18%).

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