“Germany Day” of the Junge Union: Brinkhaus calls on the Union to stick together

Status: 10/17/2021 12:24 p.m.

At the Junge Union’s “Germany Day”, parliamentary group leader Brinkhaus called on the Union to stick together more closely. Above all, he criticized the indiscretion of his party friends. However, he too had to take criticism.

The parliamentary group chairman of the CDU and CSU in the Bundestag calls on the Union to unite after the defeat in the Bundestag election. “We have to change how we work together,” said Ralph Brinkhaus at the Junge Union’s “Germany Day” in Münster. Loyalty and solidarity must be the focus again.

Brinkhaus referred to the SPD as a positive example in the election campaign, which stood like a bloc. “After an event like the one on September 26, you can’t just ignore normality and go on like that,” said the politician from the Gütersloh district. He described the historically worst result in a federal election as “devastating”.

Union parliamentary group leader Brinkhaus calls for unity

daily news 12:00 p.m., 10/17/2021

Brinkhaus sharply attacked his party friends with reference to indiscretions from internal meetings. “It’s a question of attitude. Internal matters must remain internal,” said the group chairman. Anyone who does not have the attitude that the political opponent is not in their own party cannot go with them on the way back to the Chancellery.

Exploratory paper is “social make a wish”

Brinkhaus sharply criticized the exploratory paper by the SPD, Greens and FDP. “This is the tightest left-wing agenda that we have had in Germany for decades,” he said. “It’s a social wish. Everything is given to everyone, everything is fulfilled for everyone,” added the CDU politician. He wonders why the Jusos and the Green Youth did not ask who should pay the “eternal pension guarantee”. Nothing is counter-financed. There was no commitment against Eurobonds and the mutualisation of debts.

Kristin Schwietzer, ARD Berlin, currently at the Junge Union’s Germany Day in Münster: “The party longs for more liveliness”

tagesschau24 12:00 p.m., 10/17/2021

Brinkhaus spoke of an approach that doesn’t trust people and the state a lot. Brinkhaus also criticized the proposals on migration. “This is an invitation to illegal migration.” Brinkhaus concluded: “This traffic light coalition is not good for our country. That is why it must be our aim to knock them out of the Federal Chancellery again.”

Kuban criticizes Brinkhaus

However, Brinkhaus also drew the displeasure of the Junge Union. A delegate had asked Ralph Brinkhaus for his opinion on how the search for a new party leader should look. The CDU politician did not want to commit himself and compared the questioner to a journalist. The JU chairman Tilman Kuban joined the discussion and criticized Brinkhaus for it. The guest stayed with them and referred to his moderating role in the parliamentary group.

In addition to economic expert Friedrich Merz, health minister Jens Spahn, foreign politician Norbert Röttgen and economic politician Carsten Linnemann, Brinkhaus is considered a possible candidate for the CDU leadership and thus as the successor to party leader Armin Laschet.

Laschet takes responsibility

Union Chancellor candidate Laschet yesterday assumed sole responsibility for the historically poor performance of the Union with only 24.1 percent. At the same time he had attuned to a role in the opposition. In the opposition it is particularly important “to appear together and unanimously” and to “wisely and intelligently put your finger in the wound” if a future government makes mistakes.

CDU party vice Spahn announced that the Union would be a constructive opposition. “It was a shitty election result and so is the situation.” But he was also combative: “The CDU is not finished.”

CSU boss Markus Söder, on the other hand, had canceled at short notice, which many delegates criticized in their speeches. Söder had been defeated in the internal struggle for the candidacy for chancellor and had poked against Laschet again and again.

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