Germany approves arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia

As of: January 10, 2024 3:07 p.m

The federal government has approved arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia. Government spokesman Hebestreit confirmed a “Spiegel” report that 150 Iris-T guided missiles were being exported. This can be used to arm the Eurofighter fighter jet.

The federal government is again supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia. As “Spiegel” first reported, the Federal Security Council approved the export of 150 Iris-T air-to-air guided missiles at the end of last year. Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit confirmed this in Berlin.

According to “Spiegel”, this emerges from a communication from the Federal Ministry of Economics to the Economic Committee of the Bundestag. According to the report, the Federal Security Council approved the export of the guided missiles at the end of last year. The committee includes Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and other ministers.

The news comes shortly after statements from the federal government that Saudi Arabia can hope for the federal government’s green light for the delivery of Eurofighter fighter jets because of its rapprochement with Israel. Corresponding statements by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) have the backing of the Federal Chancellor. In parts of her own party, however, Baerbock’s statements were less well received. Reference was made to the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia.

For the first time Weapons delivery to Riyadh since 2018

This is the first time the federal government has approved arms deliveries to Riyadh since 2018. The grand coalition at the time had imposed an export ban on arms equipment because of Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the Yemen war and the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

However, there were exceptions: Armament components from projects with alliance partners were excluded, including the Eurofighter fighter jet exported to Saudi Arabia by the British company BAE Systems. Saudi Arabia operates 72 of these – and they can be armed with the now approved Iris-T missiles.

At its most recent meeting before Christmas, the Federal Security Council not only approved missiles for Riyadh. According to “Spiegel,” he also gave the green light for a submarine that Israel had ordered. In addition, Pakistan will receive three minehunting boats from the Bundeswehr and Georgia will receive 300 shoulder-mounted anti-tank weapons.

Oliver Neuroth, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, January 10, 2024 4:44 p.m

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