German tiktokerin goes viral with false wedding photos – only the ex should get in touch

“The Jacklin”
German tiktokerin goes viral with false wedding photos – only the ex should get in touch

Turtling, dancing and a lot of romance in the wedding dress: the German tiktokerin Jacqueline Perschon goes viral worldwide with a professional wedding shoot. She just wanted to make her ex jealous, the Post said. Now she has revealed what is really behind it.

The story went around the world: In a Tiktok video, a young woman had edited a series of wedding videos. “If you remember how you faked your wedding with a professional photo shoot – just with that he answers “it says at the beginning when she puts her hand in front of her face, theatrically ashamed.” The worst: he saw the story and didn’t even get in touch, “she adds in the post next to it.

A top story, not only finds Tiktok. 3.3 million people have now viewed the post, and dozens of media reported about the post in numerous languages. Now Jacqueline Perschon, alias “Dieschaklin”, admits: It wasn’t quite like that.

It really was like that

In an interview with RTL, the 24-year-old reports what it really was like. The part about the breakup is at least true. “I uploaded the pictures to my Instagram profile shortly after the breakup, at the end of 2019, without comment,” she reports. “My ex was totally confused and didn’t understand the world anymore. So yes, he got in touch – and I left it that way.”

The shoot was not intended as an act of revenge on the ex, at least not from the start: Perschon, who actually works as a banker, occasionally models on the side. And also had the wedding shoot in the schedule before the breakup. “Well, it was a free shoot that was purely for advertising purposes,” she admits. “I didn’t spend any money on a wedding, on TikTok I exaggerated the whole thing because it’s a trend that is going viral.” She now has a few too Videos uploadedin which she makes fun of the gigantic success of her fake video.

With her ex, the whole thing has long been resolved anyway. Just a few weeks after the breakup, she cleared up the joke. “Today we can laugh about it.”

Sources: Tiktok, RTL

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