German jury at ESC 2022: Jess Schöne replaces Felicia Lu

German jury at ESC 2022
Jess Schöne replaces Felicia Lu

Because of a rule violation: Felicia Lu (top left) is no longer part of the German ESC jury.

© NDR Montage: Felix Werinos / Sebastian Reimold / Anelia Janeva / Christoph Köstlin / Anne de Wolff

Jess Schöne will be awarded half of the German ESC points together with Michelle, Max Giesinger and Co. She moves in for Felicia Lu.

Shortly after the German jury was announced at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in Turin, there was already a change: the singer and YouTuber Felicia Lu (26) will not take part in the German scoring. A replacement has already been found, as the NDR announced on Tuesday: TV presenter Jessica “Jess” Schöne (33) will be in the second ESC semi-final and in the final on Saturday evening (May 14) together with Michelle (50), Max Giesinger ( 33) and Co. awarded half of the German points.

“It’s really a great honor for me to be able to sit next to all the music professionals on the German jury and to be able to contribute my perspective,” quotes the broadcaster Schöne. The KIKA moderator has been accompanying the Junior ESC since 2020.

Felicia Lu broke EBU rules

The reason for Felicia Lu’s exclusion is a violation of the rules of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). The 26-year-old had already published her favorites from this year’s competition in March. However, EBU rules state that national jury members are not allowed to nominate their favorites – Lu had signed an agreement to that effect in April.

In an Instagram story the native of Salzburg commented on her exclusion: “It’s really shocking, I’m very, very sad.” Although she can understand the decision, she feels compelled to make a clarification: at the time she announced her favorites in a video, she didn’t know anything about her jury job.


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