German cinema: Hof Film Days before the start

German cinema
Hof Film Days before the start

The Hof Film Festival is one of the most important film festivals in German-speaking countries. photo

© Nicolas Armer/dpa

To escape the world to the cinema in view of all the dramatic developments on the globe? Of course, the Hof Film Festival doesn’t make it that easy.

Every year at the end of October, Hof in the very north of Franconia becomes one of the most important meeting places for the German film industry – and in a time of crisis, the people of Hof want to This year’s Film Days celebrate the cinema as a place of emotion and coming together.

Cinema is more important than ever “right now,” said festival director Thorsten Schaumann before the start of the festival. “What we experience here, we experience together. We see that we form a community.”

The 57th edition of the Filmtage opens on Tuesday (October 24th) with the film “15 Years” by Chris Kraus – it is the sequel to “Four Minutes”. This film premiered in Hof in 2006. And that’s what it’s about: Pianist Jenny (Hannah Herzsprung) is serving 15 years in prison for a murder she never committed. When she is released, she learns that her childhood sweetheart, who is responsible for her imprisonment, has become a celebrated star. The need for revenge grows. The film stars Hannah Herzsprung, Hassan Akkouch, Albrecht Schuch, Adele Neuhauser and Stefanie Reinsperger, among others.

Numerous other feature films, documentaries and short films by national and international directors will follow until October 29th. Traditionally, the Hof program also includes a retrospective. This time it is dedicated to Maria Schrader. The festival films can be seen not only in Hof cinemas, but also on a streaming platform throughout Germany.


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