Gerhard Richter calls the Ukraine war “criminal” – and donates works

Criticism of Vladimir Putin
Gerhard Richter describes the Ukraine war as “criminal” – and donates works

The artist Gerhard Richter

© Rolf Vennenbernd / DPA

Gerhard Richter has condemned the Ukraine war as “criminal”. He criticized Vladimir Putin and the actions of the Russian army. As a sign of solidarity with Ukraine, the painter has donated several works, the proceeds of which will benefit refugees.

Gerhard Richter finds it particularly shocking that Putin denies waging a war at all and blames the civilian casualties on the Ukrainians, the 90-year-old painter told the German Press Agency in Cologne on Wednesday. “They say: ‘We’re not going to war, the others are killing themselves,'” said Richter. “Putin is lying.”

The painter, who lives in Cologne, has made five art prints of his famous candle pictures available in an extra large format to the non-profit association “Kunst hilft Klassen”. He dated the prints to the day the war began, February 24, 2022. You can see the picture as a symbol of hope or consolation, Richter told the dpa. “One can always have hope.” Unfortunately, he cannot imagine a quick end to the war at the moment.

Gerhard Richter’s prints should each have a value of at least 30,000 euros

The prints are each estimated at at least 30,000 euros, said Dirk Kästel from “Art helps give”. The proceeds are intended for refugees from Ukraine and for war victims in the country itself. “Among other things, we send medicines and groceries for this purpose,” said Kästel. “We also provide help in the border area through our cooperation partners.”

A total of 44 artists donated 108 works of art for a good cause, including Rosemarie Trockel, Benjamin Katz, Sabine Moritz, Jonathan Meese and Thomas Baumgärtel. Some of the works will be auctioned at the Cologne auction house Van Ham, another part online at


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