Gérald Darmanin ensures that nearly 1,400 anti-religious acts were recorded in France in 2021

Between January and October 2021, 1,380 anti-religious acts were recorded in France by the police, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on CNews on Tuesday. This is 17.2% less compared to the same period in 2019. However, the Ministry of the Interior observes inequalities in the development of these acts.

In detail, 686 anti-Christian acts took place this year, against 921 in 2019, a decrease of 25%. Regarding anti-Semitic acts, the Ministry of the Interior recorded a decrease of 15%, 523 in 2021 against 617 in 2019. On the other hand, there was a 32% increase in anti-Muslim acts: 171 in 2021 against 129 in 2019.

Catholics taken to task, insulted and threatened

Latest example of this type of incident: On Wednesday, around thirty Catholic faithful, who gathered during a torchlight procession between two churches in Nanterre, were attacked, insulted and threatened by several people. “I was extremely shocked by the facts that were reported to me of course, we encouraged the Diocese of Hauts-de-Seine to file a complaint,” Gérald Darmanin said Tuesday on CNews, specifying that it was “utterly unacceptable death threats”.

This weekend, “unfortunately anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim acts took place, in particular a Muslim cemetery which was desecrated”, he continued. On Saturday, the Muslim square in the Mulhouse cemetery was vandalized.

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