Georgia Meloni separates from her daughter’s father – Panorama

One more topic for the colorful papers and one less problem for the politically interested public in Italy: the country’s first woman is officially separating from her long-term partner. The nation no longer has to think about whether the outlandish statements that television journalist Andrea Giambruno regularly makes are also the opinions of his partner, who has so far remained silent about almost everything.

But not Andrea Giambruno, 42. He either denied climate change, agitated against migrants and criticized opinionated Germans. Above all, Giambruno turned out to be quite a macho man whose sexist comments are in no way inferior to former US President Donald Trump. For example, he publicly said that women had only themselves to blame if they were raped while drunk. Scenes from everyday editorial life on television have also become known because the microphone was accidentally left open and Giambruno made cheap comments to colleagues and female guests.

Meloni, 46, has occasionally defended her partner. On Friday she wrote on the platform “X” (formerly Twitter): “My relationship with Andrea Giambruno, which lasted almost ten years, ends here. I thank him for the wonderful years we spent together, for the difficulties that we went through, and for giving me the most important thing in my life, our daughter Ginevra. Our paths have parted ways a long time ago, and it’s time to say goodbye.”

This is the end of a relationship that, at least for Meloni, had started furiously. According to her own statement, the then young and inexperienced opposition politician had fallen in love with the good-looking man, of whom she herself said: “He is beautiful as the sun” and who had carefully looked after her in the wings during a television appearance. Even when she was elected prime minister a year ago after a surprisingly clear election victory, Giambruno was still officially at her side and was occasionally referred to as the “first gentleman.” He could even be seen on this year’s summer vacation with the extended family in Puglia.

Meloni loves the role of victim

It had long been noticeable that Meloni styled herself more as a single mother, who even took her child with her on trips abroad in order to fulfill her role as a mother. The picture she posted on “X” became known, which shows her with her daughter in a tight embrace at the airplane window on the way to US President Biden. Text: “Me and you face the world, hand in hand.”

Meloni wouldn’t be Meloni if ​​she didn’t claim sovereignty over the interpretation of events at the moment of separation. “I will defend what we were,” she wrote, “I will defend our friendship, and I will defend at all costs a seven-year-old girl who loves her mother and loves her father as I could not love mine.” In her autobiography “Io sono Giorgia”, published in 2021, Meloni describes in detail how much she suffered as a child and teenager because her father left her mother and moved to Spain – and that his lack of interest in her was the decisive key experience on her path alone upstairs.

And the “PS” of the message posted on “To hollow out the stone, the stone remains stone and the drop is just water.”

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