Geography, HR, BTS… Did you have a blast in a field that you hadn’t chosen? tell us

Since Tuesday June 11, the additional procedure has opened on Parcoursup, offering a second chance to all young people disappointed from the first hour. Gone, probably, the dreams of prep or law degree at the Sorbonne, we look at what is left and we get started. But why not a geography degree in La Rochelle or a BTS in tourism in Grenoble? As in “Married at First Sight”, unexpected love at first sight will perhaps happen at the start of the school year.

And you ? Whether you are from the Parcoursup, Post-Bac Admission or other generation, have you taken and loved a totally unexpected course? How much of a revelation was that for you? Did you continue down this path until you made it your career? What did you like about this sector that was not intended for you? Tell us !

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