General debate in the Bundestag: Scholz and Merz have given up a factual dispute – politics

Olaf Scholz and Friedrich Merz have long since given up on factual conflict. The head of government and the opposition leader hardly hide the fact that they personally can’t stand each other. This makes a common response to the challenge posed by the AfD difficult.

Friedrich Merz has already spoken for a good 20 minutes. He has called for taking Emmanuel Macron’s outstretched hand, called for a “strategic realignment of Europe”, denounced Germany’s weak growth, complained about the high tax burden, postulated a limit on non-wage labor costs, rejected the “citizen’s benefit system”, and called the SPD the party of ” “subsidized unemployment” and comprehensively criticized the traffic lights. There’s just one thing he didn’t do. The CDU/CSU faction leader has not once mentioned the name Olaf Scholz.

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