“GCC”, three letters, 14 fires and many mysteries

There is the Corsican Chiroptera Group which responds to the acronym GCC. However, it would be very unlikely that bat lovers, although they work at night, did not burn down fourteen villas, bungalows and other properties of mainland French people next to which this tag has been found in recent months. A tag first identified in southern Corsica, near Sartène, before spreading to Haute-Corse recently.

Fake FLNC nose or nickel-plated feet?

What sign the constitution of a new clandestine independence group in Corsica or a remanence of the FLNC, which has claimed its return to action last July? It would be advancing a little too quickly on the question, according to Thierry Dominici, from the University of Bordeaux and specialist in Corsican nationalism: “It is not because there is a certain demand that it corresponds to a real movement. For him, different hypotheses are possible. Starting with a “false nose” policy, culturally present among Corsican nationalists. “A way of testing public opinion, and seeing if these actions are accepted by the people. »

The actions behind “GCC”, which could be the acronym of Ghjuventù corsa clandestinu (clandestine Corsican youth), however questions the researcher: “In the pre-FLNC years, many groups were formed with a name beginning with G, for Ghjuventù [jeunesse, donc] “. But, as it stands, given their targets – we’re talking mainly about bungalows, sheds and construction machinery – and fairly rudimentary means of action, Thierry Dominici leans more towards a group without any real consistency. “It makes me think of the time (2004) of the young people of I Clandestini corsi [qui avaient pratiqué quelques attentats racistes]. After their arrest, we realized that there were six of them and that we were dealing with nickel-plated feet, ”he continues.

An argument put forward in particular in the light of the absence of claims made to the services of the State. “The goal of nationalist movements is to be recognized by the state at some point in order to have a dialogue. And this is absolutely not the case. The fact remains that the French police and gendarmerie services seem to take the matter seriously. Following the last action of this mysterious “GCC”, carried out on January 9, the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office announced that it had taken up the investigation. Asked by Provencea police source had confided, for the time being, “to be lost in conjecture” in the identification of the individuals behind this acronym.

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