Gaza Strip: Biden and Netanyahu want to continue aid deliveries

As of: October 23, 2023 1:28 a.m

After the first convoys with aid supplies for the Gaza Strip, the USA and Israel have spoken out in favor of further deliveries. Previously, 14 more trucks carrying aid supplies had driven into the Gaza Strip.

According to Washington, US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have agreed that humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip will continue. This “important aid” for the Gaza Strip will continue, the White House said after a telephone conversation between the two politicians. Biden had previously advocated for the aid during his visit to Israel, and Netanyahu agreed under conditions.

“More continuous River” to aid convoys

Biden and Netanyahu have reiterated that there will now be a “continued flow of this critical assistance to Gaza,” the White House said. In the phone call, the US President welcomed the first two convoys of aid for the Gaza Strip since the terrorist attack on Israel by the Islamist Hamas.

Aid deliveries to the suffering population in the Gaza Strip began at the weekend – after two weeks of complete border closure since the start of the war between the Islamist Hamas, which rules there, and Israel.

On Saturday, 20 trucks delivered medicine, food and other relief supplies via the Egyptian Rafah border crossing. According to UN emergency aid coordinator Martin Griffiths, 14 more trucks carrying relief supplies were able to drive into the Gaza Strip on Sunday. He spoke of another “glimmer of hope”.

Conversation about Hostage release

According to the US, Biden and Netanyahu also discussed ongoing efforts to secure the release of all hostages held by Hamas and to provide safe conduct for US citizens and other civilians who want to leave the Gaza Strip.

Hundreds of terrorists attacked Israel on October 7th on behalf of Hamas, carried out massacres in the border area and kidnapped more than 200 people. Since the attack, Israel’s army says it has attacked hundreds of targets in the densely populated Gaza Strip and is also preparing a ground offensive.

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