Gaza: More than 2,380 dead and 11,000 injured after escalation in the Middle East

Watch in the video: Palestine mourns and fears: More than 2,380 dead and 11,000 injured after escalation in the Middle East.

STORY: Pictures from the Gaza Strip. On Sunday, desperate residents and rescue workers continued to search for those buried and mourned the loss of their relatives. According to Palestinian ministry sources, more than 2,380 Palestinians have been killed and almost 11,000 injured in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since the war with Israel began on October 7th. After Hamas’ major attack on Israeli territory last week, which left over 1,200 dead on the Israeli side, the Israeli military is retaliating and shelling the Gaza Strip, including from the Mediterranean. Tens of thousands of people have left their homes and headed south following a request from Israel. Fadi Daloul / Resident of Khan Yunis “Since Israel dropped these leaflets, we have been under stress, especially at night. They said to go south, but there are no vehicles, no transport. The road was closed, there was traffic jam. Some Cars were shot at from the air. At night the children hug me, crying and screaming for me to save them. As we left our house, we kissed the walls. We don’t know how long all this will last. We hope that the world can see how we are doing. We had a house, now we live in a tent.” The supply situation is tense, buildings are in ruins and hospitals are overcrowded. The Israeli military accuses Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, of abusing the civilian population. Hamas has urged the population not to flee. On the Israeli side, including in Tel Aviv, sirens could be heard again on Saturday, warning of enemy air strikes. Most recently, Israeli army radio reported that a village on the border with Lebanon had been fired at with an anti-tank missile from the hostile neighboring country, resulting in at least one death and several injuries. Meanwhile, Israel’s Communications Ministry has proposed closing the local bureau of Arabic news channel Al-Jazeera. As justification, the ministry accuses the broadcaster, which is financed by Qatar, of helping the radical Islamic Hamas to create anti-Israel sentiment. Meanwhile, the German Air Force has flown out German citizens from Israel who want to leave the country. The first of three German Air Force aircraft landed in Wunstorf early on Sunday morning. It had flown unspecified material to Israel and brought back 51 Germans. Two more flights were initially still on the way. A Defense Ministry spokesman said Saturday the plans were not part of a military evacuation.

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